Here are some of my favorite sites. Check 'em out and see what you think.
Gallery of Fluid Mechanics
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
Flight Training
General Aviation Serving America
Hubble Space Telescope pictures
Interesting aviation clips and stories
Lots of short in-flight videos
UK airshow site
Flying Magazine a huge database of aircraft pics
Embry-Riddle collection of hand-carved model planes
Quotations and quips about flying
Joe Cambell's airplane stuff
Planenews Aviation News Portal
Aero-News Network
Aviation Week's Aviation Now
Navy almanac of sunrise, sunset, etc.
Aero News Network
CIA Factbook
Rising Up Aviation Resources
Scaled Composites
Airplane Blueprints
Chuck Yeager's site
Udvar-Hazy Air and Space Museum pics
Jennifer's Site
First Flight Centennial
Pilot Mall
Pilot Wear
Labusch Skywear
Rocky Smith Productions. He has some nice T-shirts!
Addicting Games
Model jet site
Another model jet site
Vid of the Red Bull Air Race in Budapest, Hungary
Red Bull Air Race homepage